Wednesday, April 14, 2010

over it

Starting fresh.  Thats what I'm doing.  I've stopped taking my prescribed medications and now only pop my mulitvitamin in the mornings with my coffee.  And I feel good.  Truth be told, I don't really feel any different being off of them.  I am perpetually exhausted, but I suppose that has its own explanation as well.  So I'm turning a new leaf, starting on a fresh page, opening a new door - all of it. 

  •  I will accomplish my "to-do" lists at work each day. 
  •  I will walk every day at least 2 miles. 
  •  I will do yoga 3-4 times a week.
  •  I will drink a minimum of 60 oz of water.
  • I will watch what I eat and maintain a food journal.
Thats all for today.  I also will NOT beat myself up for not being a nazi about it.  I'm still gonna have my menchies occasionally and I'm still gonna eat fast food on fridays.  So there.